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REMEMBER: Not Making a Choice Is a Choice.
Solar Savings Explained
Renting VS Producing Electricity
Can you benefit from going solar?
What happens if you stay with EP Electric?
The simple math why People Go Solar
What happens when/if I sell my home?
How do I get a quote?
See how much it would cost to switch to solar
No more lies, gimmicks or hidden truths that lead to solar horror stories...
Learn everything you need to know about going solar from the best reviewed installer in El Paso.
Real reliable information about going Solar
No more lies, gimmicks or hidden truths that lead to solar horror stories...
Learn everything you need to know about going solar from the best reviewed installer in El Paso.
Real reliable information about going Solar
What EP Electric does NOT want you to know.
Cost of RENTING a utility vs OWNING it.
How much money can you save with solar?
Is going solar a good fit for your situation?
Home equity gains with solar.
How to avoid overpaying and scams.
How Our Process Works:
Complete our 30 second survey.
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Quantify your solar savings (if any).
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